Our tournament Champions were:
First: Eric Lafrance, Connor Lafrance, Liam LaFrance, MIke Howden
Second : Jordan Priebe, Brock Priebe, Kevin Haller, Corban Knight
Third: Pal Hildebrand, Ed Hildebrand, Marion Hildebrand, Keith Klinck
Closet to the Pin:
#4 - Mike Howden
#13 - Matthew Pierce
# 13 - Penny Bayko
Putting contest
Cory Noel
Gail Polonich
Patrick Reed
We also had draws for those who bought mulligans, grenades, & putting contests.
Additional prizes were given at ATB, our Hospice information hole and our winner of the 50/50 went home with $306 dollars.
Our sponsors did an amazing job at the holes with games, giveaways and golfer engagement. Our volunteers went above and beyond to support the event and we also have some takeaways that we can implement to make next year's event even better.
Our sponsors were
Gold - Hildebrand and West View Co-op
Bronze - Heartland Funeral Services ltd.
Hole 1 (GIK)Saje Natural Wellness
Hole 2 The Pink Wand Cleaning/1539821 Alberta Ltd. (Budget Blinds)
Hole 3 Cam Clark Ford
5 Olds Community Pharmacy
6 (GIK)The Pit
Junction -Boston Pizza
7Hospice/ DrawHole
9 Chubbs Eats
10Bereavement support
11Hospice information
12 Co-operators Insurance
13 Hole 13 Hole in 1 Plains Midstream
14 (GIK) Grouchy Daddy's
15 (GIK) Century 21 Bravo Realty
Hole 16 Pet Planet Hole
17 Hildebrand Motors
18 Westview Co-Op
Breakfast - Train Oilfield
Silent Auction - DermaNuva
We also had over 40 donors contribute to our silent auction.
The Olds Golf Course did an amazing job and made our tournament run smoothly.
We have already heard a lot of positive feedback from our sponsors and attendees. It was truly a great day!