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Holding Hands

Nav-Care Service

Nav-CARE ‘s specially trained volunteer navigators help improve the lives of people living with chronic/terminal illness by creating connections to community services and resources and providing caring, compassionate emotional and social support. Linda’s story started out by accessing NavCARE support for her mom, and transitioned into Hospice support. 


A Family’s Video

Client Criteria: 

  1. The clients will be referred by healthcare partners and or providers, community, and/or self-referral.

  2. The Society Services Coordinator will conduct a case by case assessment and review potential clients with the Executive Director to determine whether the client is appropriate for Nav-CARE.

  3. The focus will be on those adult clients that are facing any or all of the following but are not limited to:Loneliness and social isolation

    • Loss

    • Increased disengagement with hobbies or activities

    • Coping with transitions and multiple decisions

    • Difficulty in finding or accessing information or resources

    • Chronic Illness

    • Extreme age

  4. Exclusions

    • Addictions

    • Dementia

    • Complicated Mental Health issues

Volunteer Navigators

  1. Volunteer Navigators are specially trained volunteers who work directly with clients and family members conducting regular in-home visits.

  2. Responsibilities may include: 

    • Provide emotional support to help the person live well with chronic /terminal illness

    • Help identify and access community resources and healthcare services

    • Identify resources that can help with needs now and in the future.

    • Provide encouragement and companionship

    • Maintain Oath of Confidentiality

Volunteer Navigators DO NOT:

  • Accept or lend money

  • Do the person’s banking

  • Participate in any legal tasks of the client such as being a power of attorney, witnessing a will, council or advise the person.

  • Share any information about the client except to Olds & District Hospice Society

  • Share personal religious views or beliefs

  • Become romantically involved with anyone in the household. 

  • Assist in mobility of the client

Nav Care Application/Refferal From
Quality of life indicators

Thanks for registering our Services Coordinator will be in touch soon.!

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